in the depths of winter…

I discovered that the sweet potatoes I’d been holding onto to turn into sweet potato fries were in a ripped-open plastic bag and as such had grown shockingly moldy. I guess I just figured that with that dry winter air, we’d be on the arid-stale side of the weather/spoilage spectrum, rather than the humid-fecund side. I guess that’s what happens when your city is built on a swamp?

Also, uh, I’d like to apologize to Albert Camus. I know you passed away during that socially interesting wave of car accident deaths in the 60s, but I’d like you to know that despite utterly disrespecting your famous written line by associating it with an image of spoiled sweet potatoes, I enjoy your writing.

Also, had my first day of work today and am exhausted. Will have to just be a tease re: what my job is, the inaugural, etc. Sorry for that as well? Working a full shift after being shiftless (ha) for I-don’t-know-how-long is tiring…

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